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    What Is Email Marketing?

    When it comes to generating and converting leads, there isn’t a more powerful digital marketing tactic than email marketing.

    Studies show that despite the growth and prominence of mobile messengers and chat applications, nearly 61 percent of consumers prefer facilitated brand interactions via email – and this preference extends across genders and age groups.

    The widespread usage and increasing global relevance of email make email marketing more critical than ever before.

    Globally, a whopping 87 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers and 79 percent of business-to-consumer (B2C) advertisers use email as a content distribution channel. Are you taking full advantage of email marketing services to grow and promote your business? How does your email marketing campaign fare in this competitive digital landscape?

    Begin your email marketing planning today and discover the most effective email marketing strategy to move your email contacts down your sales funnel.

    The Importance of Email Marketing

    Many marketers wonder why email marketing is important when social media platforms are so widely available and social media visitors have grown exponentially over time. But here’s the thing: People still go to their emails to find special deals from the brands they are interested in. In fact, 44 percent of users check their emails for brand promotions, whereas only four percent go to social media platforms for ad campaign details.

    Build Customer Loyalty

    Strong client relationships require regular brand interactions – and routine web email marketing communications with the customer make it possible for any company to generate brand loyalty while driving sales.

    Expand Your Business Reach

    Email campaigns are proven to have better reach and potential for engagement than traditional marketing methods. Statistics show 72 percent of email users check their inboxes more than six times a day

    Connect With Different Audiences

    Hyper-personalized communication is one of the many benefits of using B2C and B2B email marketing to reach your audience. While traditional marketing methods focus on delivering a broad message to a large audience scope,

    Save Time and Effort

    Email marketing for small business, franchises and multi-location firms is significantly less labor-intensive than traditional marketing. There is no postage to consider or labeling required for each campaign distributed.

    Test Email Campaigns and Drive Strong Results

    Online email marketing offers various ways to test and see if you’re hitting the nail on the head with your marketing efforts. ou can perform A/B and multivariate testing to examine almost every component.

    Track Your Analytics

    Data and analytics provided by email marketing software give valuable insight into the performance of your targeted email marketing efforts and deployed campaigns. The most often reported engagement metrics are open rates

    Email Marketing Services for Small Business

    Deciding where to invest your money isn’t a decision you should take lightly. You must ensure every penny allocated to your marketing efforts delivers an ROI or you risk losing your money and the opportunity to close more sales.

    Email marketing for small business is a cost-effective way to promote your brand to specific market segments and grow your revenue. A McKinsey study revealed that email is almost 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined in attracting new customers. What’s more, according to 80 percent of industry professionals, the best email campaigns drive customer acquisition and retention.

    With data-driven email marketing services for small business, you can:

    Email Marketing Management

    Review of Marketing Goals and Targeting

    How effective is email marketing in achieving your brand objectives? As a top email marketing service provider, we work with you to gain a strong understanding of your email marketing goals. We review your target audience, look for missed opportunities from campaigns sent up to this point and develop a strategy to obtain your unique goals.

    Brand Guidelines and Asset Coordination

    Consistency is key to acquire email marketing return on investment. That is why we adhere to your brand guidelines. We also know that content needs change from time to time, so our account managers organize all the items we need to drive brand success and develop a marketing calendar. This way, you know which campaigns will be deployed next.

    Campaign Design and Deployment

    Our email marketing campaign service covers everything from start to finish, so you don’t have to worry about a single thing. Need custom email newsletter service? Our email marketing newsletter team designs and develops each email to your specifications. With our email marketing agency, you can rest assured we are always focused on attaining your goals.

    Ongoing List Maintenance

    Reliable email marketing companies do not just focus on engaging your audience; they also ensure you’re targeting the right people and segmenting unengaged contacts. As an email marketing services provider, our goal is to consistently increase engagement with our ongoing list maintenance. We ensure the right message is sent to the right contact every time.

    Campaign Tracking and Reporting

    Our email marketing optimization team provides detailed monthly reports on your email marketing campaigns. These reports break down each campaign sent over the previous month, highlighting engagement metrics such as open rate, click rate, conversions and more! We also schedule regular consultations with your team to discuss the report.

    Ongoing Management and Optimization

    Sometimes, additional work is needed to ensure the best health of your ESP. This can include additional segmentation, list cleaning, revising the marketing strategy based on engagement and many other factors. Our email marketing team works hard to ensure your account is optimized and operates at peak performance.

    Email Newsletters Services

    Tailored Email Campaigns

    Unlike other email companies, we set up and manage targeted email marketing campaigns aligned with your marketing goals. Looking for a simple plan for newsletter deployment? We’ve got it covered! Our team creates RSS-to-email feeds that send audience updates from your blog. We also build complex automation with conditional follow-up emails based on where your recipients are in your email marketing funnel.

    Professional Templates

    Studies show people prefer emails with professional and clean design rather than just plain text communications. Our email marketing specialists design and develop an email template that matches your unique brand and fits your specific needs. We ensure all our email templates are responsive on all types of devices and render correctly on various screen sizes.

    Product and Service Promotions

    A big part of our email newsletter service is ensuring our clients receive a profit-oriented email marketing solution. We work meticulously to personalize the content of each email newsletter and appeal to your ideal market. Your subscribers will receive email campaigns that tell them exactly what they want to hear and offer them precisely what they want to buy.

    Email Newsletter List Management

    We work closely with you to ensure your email newsletter list is growing steadily. Our email marketing experts optimize your site to encourage email newsletter signups and keep your sending reputation in good standing with all mailbox providers. On top of that, you benefit from our rich industry experience and ensure your emails earn as many shares and as few unsubscribes as can be reasonably achieved.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses bid on keywords to display their ads on Google’s search results and partner websites when relevant searches are made.
    Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The cost per click (CPC) varies based on factors like competition and keyword quality.
    Google Ads can drive targeted traffic to your website by displaying your ads to users actively searching for products or services related to your business.
    Your budget should be based on your advertising goals, competition, and expected return on investment (ROI). It’s important to analyze your market and set a budget that allows for effective campaign testing and optimization.
    Yes, Google Ads offers geotargeting options, allowing you to specify the locations where you want your ads to appear and target users in those areas.
    Results can vary based on factors like industry, competition, and campaign optimization. However, you can start seeing initial results and data within a few days to a couple of weeks.
    Google Ads offers various campaign formats, including search ads, display ads, video ads, shopping ads, and app promotion ads, each serving different purposes and targeting options.
    Google Ads provides comprehensive tracking and reporting tools, such as conversion tracking, click-through rate (CTR), cost per conversion (CPA), and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and evaluate your campaign’s success.
    Yes, Google Ads allows you to target specific keywords and search terms to ensure your ads appear when users search for those specific terms.
    Yes, Google Ads offers demographic targeting options, allowing you to target users based on factors like age, gender, income, and interests to reach your ideal audience.
    Yes, Google Ads offers placement targeting, allowing you to choose specific websites, apps, or placements where you want your ads to appear.
    Improving your Quality Score involves optimizing your ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected click-through rate. By focusing on these factors, you can increase your Quality Score and potentially lower your cost per click.
    Facebook Ads allows businesses to target specific demographics and interests based on user profiles, enabling highly targeted and personalized advertising.
    Facebook Ads provides extensive targeting options, including demographics, interests, behaviors, custom audiences, and lookalike audiences.
    Yes, you can set a daily or lifetime budget for your Facebook Ads campaign to control your spending and ensure it aligns with your advertising goals.
    Creating compelling ad creatives involves attention-grabbing visuals, engaging copy, and clear calls-to-action that resonate with your target audience and convey your brand’s value proposition effectively.
    Absolutely! Facebook Ads can increase engagement and brand awareness by reaching a wide audience and utilizing features like video ads, carousel ads, and interactive ad formats.
    How does Facebook pixel work, and why is it important for tracking conversions?
    Yes, Facebook Ads enables retargeting by creating custom audiences based on website visitors, allowing you to show targeted ads to those who have shown interest in your website.
    By targeting specific demographics and interests, utilizing engaging ad creatives, and leveraging call-to-action buttons, Facebook Ads can drive traffic to your website and increase visibility.
    Yes, Facebook Ads can be integrated with various marketing tools and platforms, such as email marketing software, CRM systems, and analytics tools, to streamline your marketing efforts.
    Key metrics to track include reach, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), and overall campaign ROI.
    The Facebook Audience Network is an advertising platform that extends your Facebook Ads to third-party mobile apps and websites, increasing your reach beyond the Facebook platform.
    Yes, Facebook Ads Manager allows you to create and manage Instagram ads seamlessly. You can leverage the same targeting options and ad formats for advertising on Instagram.

    High-Quality Leads

    via Google Ads & Facebook Ads

    Runs by Experienced ENGINEERS since 2012

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