High-Quality Leads

via Google Ads & Facebook Ads

Runs by Experienced ENGINEERS since 2012

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    We create YouTube ads that engage audiences on the world’s second-largest search engine. We provide everything your business needs to succeed in YouTube advertising, from research to building your campaigns to in-depth reporting in Google Data Studio and ongoing campaign management.

    Right now, YouTube has over 2 billion logged-in monthly users and over 15% of them are from the United States. As the second-largest search engine behind Google, this presents an amazing advertising opportunity for marketers to target specific audiences and prospects with ads driven to build brand awareness, drive traffic, boost sales, and leads, while continuously providing long-term ROI for your advertising budget.

    YouTube ads can be targeted in a variety of ways, including (but not limited to):

    • Demographics
    • Interests
    • Contextual Targeting
    • Behavioral interests
    • Lookalike
    • Retargeting

    Digital leverages the above criteria to create engaging YouTube ads that target a variety of audiences through different targeting capabilities and ad formats.

    Digital is a team of certified, seasoned YouTube Advertising experts. We’re a Google Premier Partner staffing an entire office of Google Analytics Certified experts, Moz Oracles, designers, and UX experts to help you attract, inform, and convert your prospects through targeted video ads on YouTube and other video platforms. We view YouTube as part of the overall digital journey, educating and reporting on how it fits into the conversion funnel.

    Benefits of YouTube Ads


    YouTube ads offer flexibility in terms of ad formats, allowing advertisers to choose the type of ad that best suits their goals and target audience. Whether it’s skippable in-stream ads, non-skippable ads, bumper ads, or display ads, businesses have the flexibility to create campaigns that align with their marketing objectives.

    Targeting Options

    YouTube’s ad platform offers sophisticated targeting options that allow advertisers to reach specific audiences based on factors such as demographics, interests, behavior, and more. This targeting capability ensures that ads are shown to relevant viewers, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

    Brand Awareness

    YouTube ads can help businesses increase brand awareness by exposing their brand and message to a large audience. Through strategic targeting and compelling creative content, advertisers can effectively introduce their brand to new potential customers and reinforce their message with existing ones.

    Integration with Google Ads

    YouTube ads are seamlessly integrated with Google Ads, making it easy for advertisers to manage their campaigns across multiple Google properties from a single platform. This integration also provides access to Google’s powerful targeting and optimization tools, further enhancing the effectiveness of YouTube advertising campaigns.

    What is YouTube Advertising?

    YouTube advertising refers to the practice of promoting products, services, or content on the YouTube platform through various ad formats. As one of the largest and most popular video-sharing platforms globally, YouTube offers businesses and content creators a powerful advertising platform to reach their target audience.

    YouTube advertising offers businesses and content creators the opportunity to reach a vast audience of billions of users worldwide, target specific demographics and interests, measure the performance of their campaigns with detailed analytics, and create engaging and immersive ad experiences through video content. Overall, YouTube advertising is an effective way to promote brands, drive traffic, and achieve marketing objectives on one of the most popular online platforms.

    Your search for YouTube advertising services ends here

    It seems like you’re indicating that you’re looking for YouTube advertising services. While I’m here to provide information and assistance, I don’t offer advertising services myself. However, there are numerous advertising agencies and digital marketing firms that specialize in YouTube advertising and can help you create and manage effective campaigns on the platform.

    1. Research: Look for advertising agencies or digital marketing firms that have experience with YouTube advertising. You can search online, ask for recommendations from colleagues or business contacts, or check reviews and ratings on platforms like Google or Yelp.

    2. Evaluate Services: Once you’ve found potential service providers, take the time to evaluate their services. Look at their portfolio, client testimonials, case studies, and pricing to determine if they’re a good fit for your needs.

    3. Contact: Reach out to the agencies or firms you’re interested in and schedule consultations or meetings to discuss your advertising goals, budget, and requirements. This will give you an opportunity to ask questions and get a better understanding of how they can help you achieve your objectives.

    1. Request Proposals: Ask for proposals from the agencies or firms you’re considering. These proposals should outline their recommended strategies, campaign objectives, target audience, budget allocation, and expected results.

    2. Compare and Decide: Review the proposals from different service providers and compare them based on factors such as expertise, experience, pricing, and alignment with your goals. Ultimately, choose the agency or firm that you believe will provide the best value and results for your YouTube advertising campaigns.

    By following these steps, you can find the right YouTube advertising services to help you create and execute successful campaigns on the platform.

    YouTube Advertising Campaigns

    Trueview Video Ads

    When you watch content on YouTube, you’ll often see an ad displayed before or during the content. This is called YouTube TrueView Advertising.

    Youtube Bumper Ads

    When you watch content on YouTube, you’ll often see an ad displayed before or during the content. This is called YouTube TrueView Advertising.

    Best Practice Youtube Creative

    When you watch content on YouTube, you’ll often see an ad displayed before or during the content. This is called YouTube TrueView Advertising.

    Youtube Reporting

    When you watch content on YouTube, you’ll often see an ad displayed before or during the content. This is called YouTube TrueView Advertising.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses bid on keywords to display their ads on Google’s search results and partner websites when relevant searches are made.
    Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The cost per click (CPC) varies based on factors like competition and keyword quality.
    Google Ads can drive targeted traffic to your website by displaying your ads to users actively searching for products or services related to your business.
    Your budget should be based on your advertising goals, competition, and expected return on investment (ROI). It’s important to analyze your market and set a budget that allows for effective campaign testing and optimization.
    Yes, Google Ads offers geotargeting options, allowing you to specify the locations where you want your ads to appear and target users in those areas.
    Results can vary based on factors like industry, competition, and campaign optimization. However, you can start seeing initial results and data within a few days to a couple of weeks.
    Google Ads offers various campaign formats, including search ads, display ads, video ads, shopping ads, and app promotion ads, each serving different purposes and targeting options.
    Google Ads provides comprehensive tracking and reporting tools, such as conversion tracking, click-through rate (CTR), cost per conversion (CPA), and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and evaluate your campaign’s success.
    Yes, Google Ads allows you to target specific keywords and search terms to ensure your ads appear when users search for those specific terms.
    Yes, Google Ads offers demographic targeting options, allowing you to target users based on factors like age, gender, income, and interests to reach your ideal audience.
    Yes, Google Ads offers placement targeting, allowing you to choose specific websites, apps, or placements where you want your ads to appear.
    Improving your Quality Score involves optimizing your ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected click-through rate. By focusing on these factors, you can increase your Quality Score and potentially lower your cost per click.
    Facebook Ads allows businesses to target specific demographics and interests based on user profiles, enabling highly targeted and personalized advertising.
    Facebook Ads provides extensive targeting options, including demographics, interests, behaviors, custom audiences, and lookalike audiences.
    Yes, you can set a daily or lifetime budget for your Facebook Ads campaign to control your spending and ensure it aligns with your advertising goals.
    Creating compelling ad creatives involves attention-grabbing visuals, engaging copy, and clear calls-to-action that resonate with your target audience and convey your brand’s value proposition effectively.
    Absolutely! Facebook Ads can increase engagement and brand awareness by reaching a wide audience and utilizing features like video ads, carousel ads, and interactive ad formats.
    How does Facebook pixel work, and why is it important for tracking conversions?
    Yes, Facebook Ads enables retargeting by creating custom audiences based on website visitors, allowing you to show targeted ads to those who have shown interest in your website.
    By targeting specific demographics and interests, utilizing engaging ad creatives, and leveraging call-to-action buttons, Facebook Ads can drive traffic to your website and increase visibility.
    Yes, Facebook Ads can be integrated with various marketing tools and platforms, such as email marketing software, CRM systems, and analytics tools, to streamline your marketing efforts.
    Key metrics to track include reach, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), and overall campaign ROI.
    The Facebook Audience Network is an advertising platform that extends your Facebook Ads to third-party mobile apps and websites, increasing your reach beyond the Facebook platform.
    Yes, Facebook Ads Manager allows you to create and manage Instagram ads seamlessly. You can leverage the same targeting options and ad formats for advertising on Instagram.

    High-Quality Leads

    via Google Ads & Facebook Ads

    Runs by Experienced ENGINEERS since 2012

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